Thursday, December 31, 2020

31 December 2020


Had a walk around the front nine of the Blue, followed by the front nine of the Red this morning in the mist.  Highlights were a flock of around 20 very obliging Crossbills in the small pines to the right of the 4th hole.  This is the first time that I have seen them for a month or so - they are obviously finding plenty to eat around the course still.

Crossbill [4th Red]

Crossbill [4th Red]

I managed to get some video of this male grappling with a pine cone - listen out for their distinctive loud calls. 

Elsewhere there were plenty of birds about, including:

Tufted Ducks, coot and little grebes (3) on the reservoir.  
A pair of Red-legged Partridges on the chipping area.
A Treecreeper in the small copse between the 1st and 2nd of the Red.
Moorhen [9th Red]

Tufted Ducks [Reservoir]

Coot [Reservoir]

Treecreeper [2nd Red]

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

30 December 2020


Had a quick walk around the frosty Red and Blue courses this morning, followed by 9 holes on the Blue this afternoon.

Highlights included:

Large numbers of small finches feeding in the trees around the 1st on the Blue.  I estimate 100+ Siskins and 50+ Redpolls.  

Lots of Redwings feeding around the 1st and 2nd of the Blue.

Sparrowhawk on the 13th of the Blue.

Redwings [2nd Blue]

Redwing [5th Red]

Siskins [1st Blue]

Sparrowhawk [13th Blue]

Buzzard [13th Red]

Robin [clubhouse]

Sunday, December 27, 2020

27 December 2020

 Had a quick walk around the flooded Blue front nine before playing the Green course.  

A lot of water about on the first two holes of the Blue:

Brook on the 1st Blue

Brook on the 2nd Blue

On the walk back across from to the 1st tee of the Green I briefly saw a Merlin, flying over the small copse to the left of the 1st on the Blue, the first time that I have seen this small falcon at Frilford.  I managed to grap a quick record shot.

Merlin [1st Blue]

Elsewhere I saw the two Red-legged Partridges on the 2nd on the Green and a large number of Red Kites over the road on the Green.

Red Kite [11th Green]

Saturday, December 26, 2020

26 December 2020

 Had a quick walk around the first few holes on the Blue whilst they are out of action.   Grey wagtail in the marshy area on the left of the third.

Grey Wagtail [3rd Blue]

24 December 2020

Just called in briefly at the club - a pair of Red-legged Partridges were eating the grass seed on the first tee of the Green course.

Red-legged Partridge [1st Green]

Red-legged Partridge [1st Green]

Brief video:

Saturday, December 19, 2020

19 December 2020

 Had a rather soggy 9 holes on the Blue course.  Nothing of particular note around today but managed to take a few photos in between bad golf shots.

Carrion crow [9th Blue]

Grey squirrel [9th Blue]

Long-tailed tit [1st Blue]

Monday, December 14, 2020

13/14 December 2020

 Managed to fit in a couple of 9 holes early evening over the weekend.  Highlights included:

Normal Redpoll flock (around 40 birds) feeding in birch tree on the 12th on the Red.

Crossbills (around 10) flying over 12th on the Red.

Raven croaking in the large tree next to the clubhouse.

Pair of pheasants in the late evening sunshine.

Pheasant - 9th Blue

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

1 December 2020

 Last day of lockdown.  The course was looking in excellent condition on a sunny, frost morning.  I had a brief walk around the far end of the Red course.

Was fortunate enough to get views of a stoat first thing, just on the edge of the 12th fairway.

Stoat [12th Red]

Stoat [12th Red]

Not far along on the 12th was the usual flock of Redpolls.  I reckon there to be 30-40.  They fly around the top of the birch trees in particular, feeding on the seeds.  They are difficult to spot and are well-camouflaged among the leaves.

Lesser Redpolls [12th Red]

Lesser Redpoll [12th Red]

Elsewhere large numbers of Redwings and Fieldfares feeding on the berries, a party of 6 wrens in the scrub by the 15th and a buzzard in the trees behind the 13th.

Wren [15th Red]

Buzzard [13th Red]