Frilford plants on the Oxfordshire Rare Plants Register

Frilford plants on the Oxfordshire Rare Plants Register

England status

Latin name

English name

Where found

Critically Endangered

Mentha pulegium


By the pond on the 6th Blue


Scleranthus annnus

Annual Knawel

Doghouse range


Dianthus deltoides

Maiden Pink

By the 10th tee on the Green


Hypochaeris glabra

Smooth Cat’s ear

Doghouse range


Parnassia palustris


Two-Pine Fen


Pedicularis palustris

Marsh Lousewort

Two-Pine Fen and Boundary Fen


Viola canina

Heath Dog-violet

Between 4th and 5th Red and on 7th Green

Near Threatened

Calluna vulgaris


Various places on the Red and Green course

Near Threatened

Cynoglossum officinale

Hound’s tounge

Various waste areas on the Blue and Red courses

Near Threatened

Epipactis palustris

Marsh Helleborine

Two-Pine Fen

Near Threatened

Erica cinerea


Various places on the Red and Green course

Near Threatened

Filago vulgaris

Common Cudweed

Widespread on the Blue course

Near Threatened

Potentilla argentea

Hoary Cinquefoil

Doghouse range

Near Threatened

Salvia verbenaca

Wild Clary

14th on the Red

Least Concern

Anagallis tenella

Bog Pimpernel

Boundary Fen and 13th Red

Least Concern

Anthriscus caucalis

Bur Chervil

Fairly common on waste areas around the course

Least Concern

Cirsium dissectum

Meadow Thistle

Two-Pine Fen

Least Concern

Dactylorhiza traunsteinerioides

Narrow-leaved Marsh-orchid

Two-Pine Fen

Least Concern

Descurainia sophia


16th Red

Least Concern

Gymnadenia conopsea

Fragrant orchid

Two-Pine Fen

Least Concern

Ornishopus perpusillus


Doghouse range and common on Green course

Least Concern

Samolus valerandi


On the banks of the stream at various places around the course

Least Concern

Senecio sylvaticus

Heath Groundsel

Around the 7th and 9th on the Green course

Least Concern

Stellaria pallida

Lesser Chickweed

Doghouse range

Least Concern

Trifolium arvense

Hare’s-foot Clover

Common over much of the estate

Least Concern

Trifolium striatum

Knotted Clover

Doghouse range

Least Concern

Trifolium subterraneum

Subterranean Clover

Doghouse range

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