Frilford Heath Mammal List

Muntjac Deer - Fairly common, the 1st on the Blue is a good spot to see them.

Roe Deer - Seen occasionally - the 5th and 6th on the Blue are the best spot to see them

Grey Squirrel - Common on all of the courses

Badger - Nocturnal.  We know all too well that their handiwork on the 1st and 9th of the Blue

Stoat - Seen fairly regularly, but usually fleetingly

Weasel - Have seen in the hedgerow by the 2nd on the Blue

Brown Hare - 4th and 11th on the Blue

Rabbit - Common on all of the courses

Mole - Molehills and burrows are visible on all courses.

Otter - One captured on a trail camera on the 6th on the Blue

Brown Rat - Lots around the stream

Water Vole - Seen in April 2022 in the stream between the 3rd and 4th on the Blue.