Frilford Heath Bird List

Do let me know if you see anything not on this list -

Little Grebe - On the reservoir, there were 3 or 4 over the winter and occasionally on the pond on the 3rd Blue.

Great crested Grebe - One seen on reservoir in June 2021 

Cormorant - Seen flying over from time to time.  A pair on the reservoir periodically and one on the 3rd Blue occasionally.

Little Egret - Have seen on a couple of occasions on the 1st and 2nd on the Blue

Grey Heron - Seen on most of the ponds from time to time

Greylag Goose - Quite regularly around the reservoir and the 3rd Blue.

Canada Goose - On the pond on the 1st, 3rd and 4th on the Blue and occasionally flying over

Egyptian Goose - One on the reservoir in June 2023

Mallard - Various places on the course.  On the ponds but also on the fairways from time to time

Northern Shoveler - One on the reservoir in September 2023

Gadwall - On the reservoir and occasionally on the pond on the 3rd Blue and even on the fairways in wet conditions.

Tufted Duck - Seen from time to time on the ponds on the 3rd and the 6th on the Blue and on the reservoir

Buzzard - Seen regularly.  Nests beside the 14th on the Green and commonly on the first on the Blue.

Red Kite - Common and roosts in large numbers in the winter.  Particularly good views on the Green course over the road and on the lower half of the Blue

Sparrowhawk - Seen from time to time hunting over the fairways

Goshawk - 90% sure I saw one over the Doghouse range from the 16th tee on the Green in May 2021

Peregrine - Seen occasionally flying over

Kestrel - Seen regularly on the telegraph wires on the Doghouse range, behind the 4th tee on the Red and on the first 6 holes of the Blue

Hobby - Have seen a couple of times flying over, most recently on the 6th on the Blue course

Merlin - Seen a couple of times on the 1st and 3rd on the Blue course

Pheasant - Fairly frequent often around all 3 courses.

Red-legged Partridge - A few pairs live around the course.  In particular on the 3rd on the Red, around the greenkeepers huts on the Green and around the clubhouse.

Grey Partridge - Seen in May 2021 in the field to the left of the 6th Blue.

Moorhen - Nests on the ponds on the 4th and 6th on the Blue

Coot - Seen on the reservoir and sometimes on the 3rd Blue.

Water Rail - Saw one briefly in February 2022 crossing the path on the left of the 3rd Blue

Woodcock - Saw one fly up from the woods beside the 13th on the Blue

Snipe - Saw one fly over high above the reservoir in September 2022

Green Sandpiper - Pretty sure that I saw one briefly fly up from the wet area next to the 3rd on the Blue a couple of years ago.

Common Sandpiper - One present around the reservoir in 2021

Redshank - One on the bank of the reservoir in June 2022

Oystercatcher - One strutting the fairways in June 2023

Herring Gull - Seen flying over occasionally

Lesser Black Backed Gull - Visible flying over each evening - usually going towards Farmoor

Black headed Gull - Usually a small flock on the 11th and 17th on the Blue

Common Gull - Seen on the reservoir in January 2021

Common Tern - Have seen one fly past on 5th on the Green.

Woodpigeon - Very common in most areas of the course.  Huge numbers in the trees to the left of the 4th and 5th on the Blue.

Stock Dove - Have seen a pair quite regularly on the Red (2nd) and Blue course (17th)

Collard Dove - Seen in the gardens around the Tubney range and occasionally flying over the 15th Blue.

Barn Owl - Have seen one on the 5th on the Blue early one morning and most recently on the 3rd Blue.

Little Owl - Mentioned in the club handbook as having been present on the 1st Red in the past.

Tawny Owl - Heard hooting on the course by various of the residents that I've spoken to

Swift - fairly common flying overhead in summer

Kingfisher - Can be seen on the first 6 holes on the Blue Course, around the 2nd and 3rd on the Blue seems to be the best spot.

Green Woodpecker - Fairly common anywhere on the course, but in particular on the 2nd on the Blue

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Fairly common anywhere on the course with trees.  Often see one on the yellow course.

Skylark - Often heard in summer.  Used to nest on the Blue Course - listen out in the fields beside the 2nd-6th on the Blue.

Sand Martin - often seen in early spring.  Most common around the reservoir, but I have also seen them flying over the 5th on the Green

House Martin - Common flying over the courses and the reservoir.  Nests on the clubhouse under the eaves.

Swallow - Common in summer all over the courses

Pied wagtail - often seen on the greens.  Congregates around the clubhouse in large numbers in winter.

Grey wagtail - Look out around the stream on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the Blue

Yellow wagtail - Passage migrant.  Look out on the fairways in April and September

Meadow Pipit - Have seen flying over the 15th on the Blue

Wren - common everywhere with cover

Hedge Sparrow - Nests next to the practice green on the blue range elsewhere common around the gorse

Robin - fairly common everywhere

Song thrush - Often see and hear one between the practice green and the first tee on the Blue course

Redwing - common in winter

Fieldfare - common in winter

Mistle thrush - Often see them on the fairways anywhere on the 3 courses

Blackbird - very common throughout the course

Blackcap - Fairly common in summer in trees and bushes throughout the course.

Garden Warbler - Seen and heard on the 2nd Blue and 15th Red.

Whitethroat - Common singing from scrub from May.  Have seen them on the 4th Red, 3rd Blue, 15th Red and 7th Blue.

Lesser whitethroat - Seen and heard in the hedge to the left of the 2nd on the Blue and another time in the corner of the Doghouse range.

Dartford Warbler - Report of one heard singing in the gorse to the left of the 5th Blue - 17 September 2023

Sedge Warbler - have heard in the patch of reeds on the left of the 3rd on the Blue

Chiffchaff - Heard in various areas of the course with high trees

Willow Warbler - Listen out on the 5th on the Red

Goldcrest - fairly common in the gorse bushes and in the pine trees

Firecrest - Saw one in March 2022 in the trees to the left of the 18th tee on the Green.  I have also heard reports of one on the 12th Red.

Spotted flycatcher - Nest in a few places around the course and had some good views in 2021 in the woods behind the 16th green on the Blue

Great tit - Very common around all three courses

Blue tit - Very common around all three courses

Coal tit - Fairly common in the pine trees around the 3rd on the Red and the 16th on the blue.

Long-tailed tit - Common in small parties around all three courses

Nuthatch - Hear quite frequently in various areas of the course.  Most reliable spot is near the bridge between the Red and Blue courses.

Treecreeper - Fairly common anywhere with on the course with deciduous trees.

Magpie - Common around all three courses

Jay - Fairly common.  In particular on the left of the 12 on the Red and at the back of the 13th on the Blue.

Jackdaw - Common around all three courses

Rook - Gathers in large numbers in the trees on the Yellow

Carrion Crow - Common around all three courses

Raven - One around the clubhouse in the large redwoods and also around the Yellow course

Starling - Not as common as you might expect, but have seen flying over the course around the 4th and 8th on the Blue

Chaffinch - Common, particularly around the woods on the Blue

Brambling - Seen in Feb 2022 feeding with Chaffinches in the woods to the right of the 2nd Blue

Greenfinch - Only see occasionally. There are usually a couple in the trees visible from the practice net area

Bullfinch - Only see occasionally.  Last seen on the 5th Red.

Linnet - Common around the 11th, 12th, 13th and 17th on the Blue

Redpoll - Have seen a large flock next to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the Blue and on 12th Red

Goldfinch - Common around all three courses

Siskin - Flock of 60+ birds often seen in the high trees on the 1st on the Red, 1st, 18th and 9th on the Blue

Reed Bunting - Seen on the 3rd Blue on 3 January 2021

Crossbill - Flock of around 50 birds present in the winter of 2020/21 centred around the wood next to the reservoir.