Friday, November 18, 2022

18 November 2022

Had a walk around the Red course early this morning.  There were one or two winter thrushes visible such as this Redwing on the 13th and a few fieldfares flying over.

Redwing [13th Red]

Not much else of interest.  I haven't seen many finches around yet other than Chaffinches.  One of the resident Jays was making a lot of noise near the 13th tee.

Jay [13th Red]

Sunday, November 6, 2022

6 November 2022

I had a walk around the Blue and Red courses this evening once the rain had subsided and came across a new bird for the Frilford list, with two young Mute Swans on the pond of the 3rd Blue.  I don't recall seeing swans on the estate before. They swam up to me - presumably expecting to be fed, but were left disappointed.

Mute Swans [3rd Blue]

There are large numbers of Red Kites roosting on the course.  There were 20 or so over the 1st Blue and plenty more in the trees between the 5th and 6th on the Red.

Red Kites [1st Blue]

Red Kite [5th Red]

There were also a few Muntjacs around in the evening with the course quiet.

Muntjac [6th Blue]

This Oak Bracket is one of the larger fungus specimens around the coarse and is growing on the Oak Tree between the 4th and 8th tees on the Blue.

Oak Bracket Pseudoinonotus dryadeus [4th Blue]