Friday, November 17, 2023

17 November 2023


I have been up to Frilford a couple of times this week.  There have been a couple of crisp frosty mornings with some sunshine and nice conditions for photography.  Earlier in the week a Little Egret was in the usual spot in the stream in front of the 2nd on the Blue and gradually moved along the stream to the 3rd.

Little Egret [1st and 3rd Blue]

This morning I played the back nine of the Blue and came across a new species for the Frilford list.  Stonechats always seemed a good fit for Frilford as they like heathland habitat, particularly gorse which they often perch atop.  I suspect that they have bred on the estate in the past, but this is the first time that I can recall seeing them.  There was a family party of three birds, a male (top two photos) a femaile (bottom photo) and a juvenile. Hopefully they will stay around and breed.  Their name comes from their song, which sounds like two stones being rubbed together.

Stonechats [11th Blue]

Sunday, November 5, 2023

5 November 2023


I walked around the front nine of the Blue course today in my wellies.  No other footwear would have been appropriate.  A family of Swans seems to be enjoying the wet conditions and has taken up residence.  Today they were in front of the 4th tee.

Mute Swans [4th Blue]

 The winter finches are more evident now.  There was a flock of forty or so Siskins feeding on the 3rd.

Siskins [3rd Blue]

With conditions becoming more wintry, Red Kites are roosting in large numbers around the course.  This one was perched in the trees at the Tubney Range.

Red Kite [Tubney Range]