Sunday, February 25, 2024

25 February 2024

I had another walk around the Blue course to the reservoir today.  The water has subsided since the floods of last weekend, but the course is still pretty soggy.  There was no sign of the large Siskin flock today, although I was pleasantly surprised to come across a flock of 16 Meadow Pipits on the 10th fairway.  Meadow Pipits are quite common in open country, but I haven't seen them on the golf course very often.

Meadow Pipits [10th Blue]

Brown Hares are much more evident on the Blue course than of late, with a pair chasing each other around the 1st and 2nd.  I came across a Sparrowhawk hunting over the 7th fairway today and then a pair soaring on the thermals along with a number of Red Kites above the 1st on the Blue.

Sparrowhawk [7th Blue]

In the woods between the 16th and 17th there were a couple of Green Woodpeckers, Goldcrests and some Coal Tits feeding on the pine cones.

Coal Tit [17th Blue]

18 February 2024

 I had a walk around the Blue course this afternoon and found a fair amount of the front nine under water.  The stream through the 1st and 2nd had burst its banks and a fair chunk of the fairway was part of the flow.  The ditch to the left of the 3rd which is usually a  collection of puddles had become a fast-flowing channel.  Most of the fourth fairway was a water hazard.

1st Blue

2nd Blue

3rd Blue

4th Blue

Nothing too spectacular wildlife wise.  I have seen the Stonechats fairly regularly between the 4th and 10th on the Blue, otherwise mostly the familiar species.

Red Kite [10th Blue]

Brown Hare [7th Blue]

Sparrowhawk [9th Blue]

Pheasant [2nd Red]

Sunday, February 18, 2024

11 February 2024


I had a walk around the Blue and Red course over the weekend.  The Blue was still very wet.  You can see that the stream has changed course to wash away much of the path around the 3rd tee.  Wildlife-wise, most notable was a huge flock of Siskins and Redpolls, numbering several hundred birds, in the woods between the 9th and 10th on the Blue course, making an incredible noise as they called out whilst feeding.
Siskins [9th Blue]

I haven't seen much on the reservoir recently, the Tufted Ducks and Gadwall seem to have gone, just a few Coots and Mallard visible today.
Coot [Reservoir]