Monday, March 25, 2024

24 March 2024


Had a couple of walks around the estate over the weekend.  Things are feeling a lot more springlike - the flowers are starting to come out and the birds are singing.  Always one of the earliest flowers are Coltsfoot - looking rather like dandelions but on short scaly stalks with the leaves appearing much later than the flowers.  These are growing on the left of the 3rd Blue.

Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara [3rd Blue]

Chiffchaffs are always amongst the first of the migrants and are easy to locate with their two-note song.   This bird was one of two or three in the hedge alongside the 2nd Blue.

Chiffchaff [2nd Blue]

There are quite a few Stock Doves around the greenkeepers'shed on the Blue course.  I think that they usually nest inside.  This one was up in the rafters.

Stock Dove [Greenkeepers' hut]

Lots of Mistle Thrushes on the fairways - more noticeable now the winter thrushes have flown north.  This one was on the 5th Green.

Mistle Thrush [5th Green]