Monday, May 27, 2024

27 May 2024


 I visited a good proportion of the estate this weekend.  I started at the Doghouse practice ground on Saturday.  I was pleased to see that the Skylarks were still around and look to be nesting.   There were a lot of these Garden Chafer beatles on the grass.  They are generally unpopular with the greenkeepers as the birds dig up the fairways looking for their grubs along with those of their larger cousin the Cock Chafter.

Garden Chafer Phyllopertha horticola [Doghouse practice ground]

This Whitethroat was one of many singing around the estate - in the far corner of the practice area.

Whitethroat [Doghouse practice ground]

Whilst watching the Whitethroat, I briefly saw a Common Lizard in the long grass, the first that I have seen at Frilford, but it was too quick for me to photograph.  Fortunately I came across another today basking on a tree stump to the right of the 15th on the Red.
Common Lizard [15th Red]

In the morning the front nine of the Blue was very quiet, so I waited for one of the Kingfishers by the 2nd Blue.  This pale female Mallard came along and was very tame.

Mallard [2nd Blue]

The Kingfishers made several visits, regularly catching fish in the stream and gave some nice views sitting on one of the yellow posts.

Kingfisher [2nd Blue]

In the afternoon I visited the Tubney range.  This Muntjac was enjoying the long grass.
Muntjac [Tubney range]

I also explored the waste area next to the reservoir and came across three new plants for the Frilford list.  Henbit Dead-nettle is rather inconspicuous and very similar to the Red Dead-nettle but is a little larger and has less nettle-like leaves.

Henbit Dead-nettle Lamium amplexicaule [Reservoir]

Marsh Spurge is a garden escape.  Its large size and bright yellow bracts make it more conspicuous.
Marsh Spurge Euphorbia palustris [Reservoir]

Field Pennywort has distinctive seed-heads that resemble pennies.

Field Penny-cress Thlaspi arvense [Reservoir]

Saturday, May 11, 2024

11 May 2024

Had a walk in the sunshine this morning.  Lots of birdsong, with most of the summer migrants now arrived.  Blackcaps can be heard all over the course with plenty of Whitethroats as well in the scrub.  It was nice to see and hear a pair of Garden Warblers in the same place as the last couple of years on the right of the 13th Red.

Chaffinch [3rd Blue]

Garden Warbler [13th Red]

I also came across this Greater Celandine growing near the 1st Red.  It is actually a member of the Poppy family and can be found in a few places around the estate, usually close to gardens.

Greater Celandine Chelidonium majus [1st Red]

Sunday, May 5, 2024

5 May 2024

I started off at the Doghouse practice ground this morning and was pleased to see that a pair of Skylarks seem to be nesting in the overground area between the two hitting areas.  I have seem them in a similar spot on a few visits.  You tend to hear Skylarks a lot on, particularly on the first few holes of the Blue course.  In fact they used to nest all around the Blue course, but have gradually moved on due to disturbance from errant golfers.  

Skylark [Doghouse practice range]

Also on the Doghouse practice ground I came across this Green Hairstreak - a butterfly that is found on natural, grassland but which has drastically reduced in the last few years.

Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubi [Doghouse practice ground]

I then  decided to make the most of the combination of the sunny weather and the front nine of the Blue course being very quiet to settle down in the nettles beside the 2nd to see what appeared.  After about 15 minutes I was rewarded by some nice views of two different Little Egrets fishing in the stream. Notice how the Egret stirs up the silt at the bottom of the stream with its feet to disturb any fish.

Little Egret [2nd Blue]

Then 15 minutes later one of the Kingfishers appeared.  At one point perching on the post 20 feet away to eat a fish that it had just caught.

Kingfisher [2nd Blue]