Thursday, November 12, 2020

12 November 2020

Had a quick walk round the Blue course in the sunshine this morning.  The highlight was definitely the seed-eating birds around the 3rd green and 4th tee.  Saw a flock of around 30 Redpolls, 25 Siskin, Goldfinches, Chaffinches and Greenfinches.

I usually only see Siskin in the high branches on the 9th Blue and 1st Red, so it was nice to see a few a bit closer:

Siskin [4th Blue]

Siskin [4th Blue]

Siskin [4th Blue]

There were also some nice views of Red Kite in the sunshine:

Red Kite [9th Blue]
Red Kite [3rd Blue]
Red Kite [4th Blue]

Red Kite [3rd Blue]

Mixed flock of Rooks and Jackdaws on the 2nd and 3rd of the Red.

Rook [3rd Red]

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