Sunday, November 22, 2020

22 November 2020

 Misty morning that cleared to bright sunshine.  Had a walk round most of the three courses.

Plenty of small bird around.  Saw the flock of Crossbills (around 30) again flying around the 16th Green on the Blue and also flying across the 14th on the Red - but didn't manage to spot any settle.

Pair of Grey Wagtails on the boggy area to the left of the 14th on the Red.  Also on the 14th on the Red the bird feeders seem to be getting plenty of custom from Great Tits and Blue Tits.

Great Tit [14th Red]

Robin [15th Red]

Muntjac Deer [15th Red]

Blackbird [15th Green]

Raven [14th Red]

Redwing [15th Red]

Hedge Sparrow [1st Red]
Still the odd bit of colour as well:
Red Campion Silene Dioica [15th Red]

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