Thursday, January 21, 2021

17 January 2021

 Had a walk round the Red and Blue courses this morning.  Most notable sighting was a couple of Common Gulls on the reservoir.  I haven't seen these at Frilford before:

Common Gull [Reservoir]

Common Gull with Black-headed Gulls [Reservoir]

Otherwise on the reservoir there was the usual pair of Mallards, a Coot and two or three Little Grebes:
Mallard [Reservoir]

Little Grebe [Reservoir]

I couldn't see any flowers out yet, but other birds of note include:
  • Crossbills [5th Blue]
  • Raven [13th Blue]
  • Lots of Great-spotted Woodpeckers.

Raven [13th Blue]

Robin [16th Red]

Goldfinch [1st Red]

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