Saturday, January 23, 2021

23 January 2021


Had a walk round the Blue and Red courses on another frosty morning.  The highlight was a large flock of around 40 Redpolls next to the ditch by the 13th tee on the Red.  Along with Siskins, these form large flocks around the course in the winter and feed on the seeds in the tall trees.  They are a rather inconspicuous small brown bird unless you get a close up view and can see the red crown and breast. They also manage somehow to always face away from the camera.  I managed to get a few photos and a brief video (please excuse the camera work)

Redpolls [13th Red]

Redpoll [13th Red]

Redpoll [13th Red]

There were also some Goldfinches mixed in with the Redpolls.

Elsewhere there were well over 100 Redwings on the 1st of the Blue.

Redwing [2nd Blue]

.. and some heather covered with frost

Common Heather Calluna vulgaris [13th Red]

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim, just realised no one has made any comments for you. Thought you would like to know how much I am learning and enjoying your blog. Plus I share with family in Spain and Australia, who are seeing all they miss about England.
    Thank you for doing this and hopefully we can get a game, when allowed, for me to learn more straight from the "horses" mouth, as such. Kind regards, Glyn Hall.
