Wednesday, February 10, 2021

10 February 2021


A bright, crisp and cold morning.  I walked a quick loop along some of the Red and Blue courses.   Most notable sighting was a Kingfisher in the stream behind the 1st Green on the Blue course.  I hadn't seen one at Frilford for several months so it was reassuring to know that there is at least one still around.  

There are a few pairs of Mallard around the course at the moment.  These two were on the pond by the 4th tee on the Blue:

Mallard [4th Blue]

A few birds are starting to nest.  This Song Thrush is part of a pair that appear to be nesting in the hedge on the edge of the 3rd hole on the Green.

Song Thrush [3rd Blue]

Plenty of birdsong as well.  The Song Thrush probably has the most musical of the birds that we are likely to hear on the course.  Its song carries a long way, it has a lot of repeated phrases and clarity of notes.  This was the same bird singing on the hedge being the pond on the 3rd.  Listen out for a Green Woodpecker calling nearby in the middle.

Nearby a male Chaffinch was singing from one of the oak trees by the 4th tee.  This bird is answering the calls of another nearby.

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