Tuesday, February 2, 2021

31 January 2021

 Had a walk around the perimeter of all three courses this morning.  Perhaps not the most colourful or glamorous of plants, but this Stinking Hellebore is the closest I've seen to any flowers out on the course in 2021 - just along form the 13th tee on the Red.

Stinking Hellebore Helleborus foetidus [13th Red]

Elsewhere, a couple of noisy Canada Geese flew over from the Green course.

Canada Geese [15th Green]

A large flock of Siskin were mobile on the Blue course.  This one was in a flock behind the second green.

Siskin [2nd Blue]

Redwings are all over the course at the moment.  The largest concentrations are on the 1st on the Blue, where they fly between the tall trees and the wet fairway.  They are often accompanied by Mistle Thrushes in smaller numbers.

Redwings [1st Blue]

Mistle Thrush [6th Blue]

The usual Coots and Little Grebes on reservoir.  This male Tufted Duck was also about.
Tufted Duck [reservoir]

I saw around 10 Crossbills near the greenkeepers hut, but too high in the trees to photograph today.

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