Saturday, March 6, 2021

6 March 2021


Had a walk around all of the courses in the sunshine this morning.  A few more flowers are appearing:

Common Storksbill Eodrium cicutarium [3rd Red]

Shepherd's Purse Capsella bursa-pastoris [Driving Range]

I chatted to one of the group of volunteers who work regularly on behalf of English Nature on the swampy area to the left of the 13th.  

This area is calcareous fen, which is very unusual in England and they are looking to restore the environment so that it supports some of the rare plants, including orchids and louseworts which were formerly recorded here and are seen in the marshy area around the 4th on the Green and the 16th on the Red - you can see more details on .  This habitat, along with the acid grasslands on the estate is the main reason for Frilford's site of special scientific interest (SSSI) status.

Elsewhere I saw a flock of around a dozen Linnets to the side of the 5th on the Red and a pair of Bullfinches in the same spot, the first time that I have seen either species on the course this year.

Linnets [5th Red]

Other birds included: 
Kestrel on the 2nd Blue
Stock Doves on the 2nd Red 
Redpolls feeding on the ground in the trees on the 1st Blue 
A couple of Chiffchaffs on the 1st and 2nd of the Blue
Grey wagtails near the Greenkeepers' hut near the 16th Blue

Chiffchaff [2nd Blue]

Blue Tit [3rd Blue]

Wren [3rd Blue]

Grey Wagtail [16th Blue]

Redpoll [1st Blue]

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