Sunday, April 18, 2021

18 April 2021


Had a walk around the Red and Blue courses this morning.  A few more plants to tick off for the year, although I'm learning that identification of a lot of species is far from straightforward.  Bluebells are one flower that is fairly easy and a few are appearing on the left of the 13th on the Red.

Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta [13th Red]

This small shrub grows in some quantity on the the left of the 13th on the Red and I think that they are some sort of currant.  I will go for Red Currant for the moment and will hopefully get further clues when they fruit.

Red Currant Ribes rubrum [13th Red]

I think that this is a Dove's Foot Cranesbill on the left of the 15th on the Blue:

Doves-foot Cranesbill Geranium molle [15th Blue]

I think that this is a Wood Forget-me-not on the left of the 13th Red.

Wood Forget-me-not  Myosotis sylvatica [13th Red]

I think that this is Slender Speedwell on the 3rd on the Red.

Slender Speedwell Veronica filiformis [3rd Red]

This is definitely Field Mouse-ear - with the 15th on the Red in the background.

Field Mouse-ear Cerastium arvense [15th Red]

Not too much around bird-wise.  A few more Swallows, four Tufted Duck on the pond by the 4th tee on the Blue and lots of Linnets in the gorse on the 5th and 15th Red, where I think that they nest.

Tufted Duck [4th Blue]

Linnet [5th Red]

Song Thrush [6th Blue]

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