Sunday, May 16, 2021

16 May 2021

It is pretty wet underfoot at the moment with all of the recent rain.  This may explain why a lot of the waterfowl have been exploring the fairways in the last few days.

These three were part of a mixed flock about a dozen Greylag Geese and Canada Geese that were around the 3rd fairway Red.

Greylag Goose and Canada Geese [3rd Red]

Yesterday evening these male Mallards were in front of the 2nd green on the Blue.

Mallard [2nd Blue]

This morning I was surprised to see these two Gadwall wandering about in front of the 4th green on the Blue.

Gadwall [4th Blue]

It is getting tougher to spot new species of birds for the Frilford list, but this morning I found two Grey Partridges.  They were in the field to the left of the 6th tee on the Blue.  They have declined significantly in the last forty years and it is now quite uncommon to see one.  Their relative, the Red-legged Partridge is much more common.

Grey Partridges [6th Blue]

Near the 14th tee on the Blue I had a nice view of this Brown Hare, which didn't spot me until it was almost at my feet.

On the Doghouse range I heard a Lesser Whitethroat singing in the far north-east corner.  There were also a couple more plants to see.  Hound's-tongue is fairly scarce nationally, but quite common in our area.  There was also a patch in front of the 16th tee Blue last year.  Cornsalad is a tiny plant, but is fairly common - as is White Campion which can be found on all three courses.

Hound's-tongue Cynoglossum officinale [Doghouse range]

Cornsalad Valeriana locusta [Doghouse range]

White Campion Silene latifolia [Doghouse range]

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