Sunday, May 2, 2021

2 May 2021

Had an early walk around all three courses and a quick look at the Doghouse range.  

Saw a Whitethroat in the same spot as yesterday - between the 4th and 5th on the Red.

Whitethroat [4th Red]

Here's a video.  This is actually its alarm call rather than it's song - a distinctive grating sound.  

Another migrant, Yellow Wagtail, was walking around the perimeter of the reservoir.

Yellow Wagtail [Reservoir]

Sheep's Sorrell is quite abundant on the courses at this time of year.  You will see brown patches in the first cut of rough, such as this one of the twelfth Red.  There is usually a lot between the 7th and 9th of the Green course.

Sheep's Sorrell Rumex acetosella [12th Red]

The vegetation is slowly growing in the fen on the 4th Green and 16th Blue.   I could not see any signs of 
orchids yet, but there is a bit of Marsh Valerian starting to flower:

Marsh Valerian Valeriana dioica [16th Red]

There are plenty of Long-tailed Tits around at the moment.  They often nest in the gorse - this one was on the 5th Red.

Long-tailed Tit [5th Red]

This Green-veined White was in the rough on the left of the 15th on the Blue.

Green-veined White [15th Blue]

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