Friday, May 7, 2021

7 May 2021


New flowers are appearing on the course at an alarming rate, particularly those in the pea family.  Spotted Medick grows on the path between the 3rd Red and the reservoir and is so named because of the spots on its leaves.

Spotted Medick Medicago arabica [3rd Red]

Similar, but much smaller is Lesser Trefoil - this patch was behind the 16th tee on the Green.

Lesser Trefoil Trifolium dubium [16th Green]

Hairy Tare is a rather inconspicuous vetch that grows in long grass.  I've found this next to the reservoir and on the left of the 15th Blue.
Hairy Tare [near Reservoir]

Very common in the rough, particularly on the Blue course is, aptly, Common Vetch.

Common Vetch Vicia savita [16th Blue]

There are lots of species of Speedwell around the courses.  One that I've not seen before grows just along from the 15th tee on the Blue - Thyme-leaved Speedwell

Thyme-leaved Speedwell Veronica serpylifolia [15th Blue]

Also on the 15th Blue, but almost too small to see is Wall Speedwell.
Wall Speedwell Veronica arvensis [15th Blue]

Also on the 15th Blue, Field Forget-me-not.

Field Forget-me-not Myosotis arvensis [15th Blue]

Also on the 15th Blue I came across these rather odd-looking plants.  I thought that they were some type of fungi, but it turns out that they are actually Horsetail shoots.

Field Horsetail Equisetum arvense [15th Blue]

There aren't many Cowslips on the course.  There is, however, a nice display by the stream on the 8th of the Green (top photo).  
Cowslip Primula veris [8th Green]

Not too much around bird-wise.  Swallows are fairly constant on the reservoir.  Earlier in the week there were a few Sand Martin's mixed in with them.  They are smaller birds with brown backs and a band across their chest - just about visible in the photo below.

Sand Martin [Reservoir]

Swallow [Reservoir]

Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs are both common and vocal around the courses at the moment.

Chiffchaff [15th Red]

Willow Warbler [4th Red]

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