Saturday, June 12, 2021

12 June 2021

Baking hot day today.  Lots of dragonflies around today - I was able to spot 5 species:

Beautiful Demoiselle - The ones with dark wings that are common on the first few holes of Blue.

Azure Damselfly - Small blue Damselfly.  Lots around the water on the Blue.

Black-tailed Skimmer - The males have a blue body and the females are brown.  These are common in the area to the left of the 15th Red.

Emporer Dragonfly - Britain's bulkiest Dragonfly, with a blue and green body.  On the pond to the left of the 4th Blue and in the rough on the Red.

Four-spotted Chaser - Brown Dragonfly with spots on its wings - lots of them around the pond on the 4th Blue.

Black-tailed Skimmer (male) Orthetrum cancellatum [15th Red]

Black-tailed Skimmer (female) Orthetrum cancellatum [15th Red]

Emperor Dragonfly Anax imperator [15th Red]

Four spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata [4th Blue]

Azure Damselfly Coenagrion puella [1st Blue]

Beautiful Demoiselle (male) Calopteryx virgo [1st Blue]

I visited the water a couple of times on the first few holes of the Blue, allowing me to spot some new flowers for the year:

White Waterlily Nymphaea alba [1st Blue]

Water Forget-me-not Myosotit scorpioides [1st Blue]

Celery-leaved Buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus [1st Blue]

Brooklime Veronica Beccabunga [4th Blue]

A group of baby warblers, this time Blackcaps - to the left of the 13th Red. Here is one of them..

Blackcap [13th Red]

There were a couple of Kestrels hunting over the 9th Blue.

Kestrel [9th Blue]

On the 15th Red was another black and crimson day-flying moth, the Cinnabar.

Cinnabar Tyria Jacobaeae [15th Red]

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