Thursday, June 17, 2021

17 June 2021

 First day for a while that it has not been bright sunshine first thing.  On a quick walk around the Green course I came across this Common Broomrape.  It is one of the few UK flowering plants without chlorophyll that provides most plants with green colouration.  It does not require this as it is non-photosynthetic and gets its nutrients from a host plant on which it is a parasite - typically these are members of the pea family such as Gorse or Broom.  This one was growing to the left of the 7th.

Common Broomrape Orobanche minor [7th Green]

Yarrow is abundant in the rough on all of the courses.  It is a member of the daisy family with an umbrella of flowers.

Yarrow Achillea millefolium [9th Green]

In the ditch between the 9th and 13th I came across Brookweed, a small white flower that usually grows by the sea and is on Oxfordshire's rare plant register

Brookweed Samolus valerandi [11th Green]

On the 1st of the red I managed to identify another clover.  This one is Alsike Clover - which is a common feed plant.  It is very similar to White Clover, but is more pinkish in colour, lacks the chevrons on the leaves and has pointed stipules.  There was some white clover close by for comparison.

Alsike Clover Trifolium hybridum [1st Red]

White Clover Trifolium repens [1st Red]

The Cormorant was moving between the ponds on the blue this morning emptying fish stocks.  I also came across this female Mallard with her brood of ducklings.

Cormorant [3rd Blue]

Mallards [1st Blue]

I also saw a Barn Owl this morning fly out from the next box besides the 3rd on the Blue - the first that I have seen on the course for a couple of years.  

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