Wednesday, June 23, 2021

23 June 2021

 A few families of birds and animals on the course this morning.  These four Brown Hares were on the driving range.

Brown Hares [Tubney range]

It looks like an adult and juvenile Whitethroat here that were in the oak tree on the 3rd Blue and are part of one of the families with nest around here.

Whitethroats [3rd Blue]

On the 11th Blue this juvenile Black-Headed Gull was part of a mixed flock of adults and juveniles.

Black-headed Gulls [11th Blue]

This Red Kite was on its own atop a tree by the 13th Blue, but I think that it is one of several pairs nesting around the course.

Red Kite [13th Blue]

A few new flowers as well, including a couple in the driving range car park. Dwarf Mallow and Black Horehound both grow by the entrance, the latter also in a few other places around the course including the 13th Blue and 14th Red.

Dwarf Mallow Malva neglecta [Tubney range]

Black Horehound Ballota nigra [13th Blue]

Other flowers include:

Large-flowered Evening-primrose Oenothera glazioviana [17th Blue]

Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium [16th Red]

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