Tuesday, June 29, 2021

29 June 2021

 I played the front nine of the Blue this evening - pretty much on my own with everyone watching the football.  One of the more spectacular plant species starting to flower around now is Himalayan Balsam.  This is actually a problematic invasive species that originates in the Himalayas and is very efficient at attracting pollinators and distributing seeds, thriving at the expense of native plants.  It is particularly frequent along the stream that marks the boundary of the Blue course.

Himalayan Balsam Impatiens glandulifera [3rd Blue]

Another large plant, this time native, that is characteristic of the marshy areas of the courses is Meadowsweet.  This was part of a patch growing on the 3rd.

Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria [3rd Blue]

Scrambling alongside this is Large Bindweed, which is common in the thick rough.

Large Bindweed Calystegia sylvatica [3rd Blue]

Growing next to the pond on the 4th and common around the course is Selfheal.

Selfheal Prunella vulgaris [4th Blue]

I often see a Grey Heron moving between the ponds on the Blue in the evening, hunting for fish and frogs.

Grey Heron [4th Blue]

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