Thursday, July 15, 2021

15 July 2021

With a bit of patience I had some nice views of the Spotted Flycatchers on the left of the 4th Blue early this morning.  They are not the most colourful birds, but are quite easy to spot through their behaviour.  They tend to sit on a perch, fly to catch an insect, often hovering, and then return to the same spot.

Spotted Flycatchers [4th Blue]

There was also a noisy family of Nuthatches in the same area.

Nuthatch [4th Blue]

Flixweed is not the most glamorous plant.  It is more common in East Anglia, but is on the Oxfordshire rare plants register.  This one is on the 16th Red.

Flixweed Descurania sophia [16th Red]

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