Saturday, July 17, 2021

17 July 2021

It was baking hot today, which was good for butterflies and dragonflies.  There are a few whites about at the moment.  Small Whites seem to be the most common and are everywhere.  Green-veined Whites are also fairly common, particularly around the wood on the Blue.

Small White Pieris rapi [16th Red]

Green-veined White Pieris napi [14th Blue]

Great Mullein has the tallest spike of flowers on the course and is particularly common on the Red and Green course.

Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus [5th Green]

Wood Sage isn't quite as obvious, but grows in the shade to the left of the 14th Red.

Wood Sage Teucrium scorodonia [14th Red]

A few birds out in the sunshine, but nothing unusual.

Grey Wagtail [Reservoir]

Red Kite [18th Red]

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