Monday, August 23, 2021

23 August 2021

 Two main areas of note on the course at the moment - the fruiting trees and shrubs and the number of dragonflies, particularly around the ponds.  Blackberries are the most numerous fruit, but in various places there are also plums, raspberries, damsels, snowberries, elderberries and sloes.  Snowberries are poisonous (to humans at least), but the rest are edible.

Wild Plum Prunus domestica [Doghouse range]

Bramble Rubus fruticosus [13th Blue]

Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus [Doghouse range]

Elderberry Sambucus nigra [Doghouse range]

The most numerous dragonflies at the moment seem to be Southern Hawkers.  There are lots down by the ponds on the Blue course, but they could turn up anywhere.  This one was on a gorse bush by the 18th Blue.

Southern Hawker Aeshna cyanea [18th Blue]

There are also a couple of reddish dragonflies around.  Common Hawkers are abundant around all of the courses.  I found this Ruddy Darter by the 6th on the Blue.

Ruddy Darter Sympetrum sanguineum [6th Blue]

Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum [Doghouse range]

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