Saturday, September 18, 2021

18 September 2021

One more new plant today - Black Nightshade growing in the wood on the Blue.  I can't believe that I will come across many more this year, but have managed to identify around 250 wild flowers in total around the estate in 2021, and I'm sure that there are plenty more that I have missed.

Black Nightshade Solanum nigrum [6th Blue]

In the hedge on the left of the 2nd on the Blue you can see the Bedeguar Gall - commonly known as Robin's pincushion.  This is a fibrous growth that occurs on roses caused by the larvae of a tiny gall wasp, Dipoloepis rosae. 

Dipoloepis rosae [2nd Blue]

Brimstones are usually the first butterflies that I see in spring.  They are yellow with a distinctive wing shape.  There are still some around now - this one was on a reed in Boundary Fen.

Common Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni  [Boundary Fen]

Nothing new bird-wise, I haven't come across any passage migrants yet.  This Kestrel is usually on the overhead cables at the Doghouse range scanning for small animals to predate.

Kestrel [Doghouse range]

This Kingfisher was doing likewise, scanning for fish in the pond from the bushes by the 4th tee Blue.

Kingfisher [4th Blue]

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