Sunday, September 5, 2021

5 September 2021

As well as the constant surprises as to what you see around the golf course, it is also interesting to note from time to time what you don't see.  Some birds that are common elsewhere are only occasional visitors to the golf course.  House Sparrows are a good example.  The only place that I have seen them on the estate this year is around the edge of the reservoir and in the hedge next to the driving range.  These two females were part of a flock of half a dozen birds in the bushes on the far left of the driving range.

House Sparrows [Driving range]

A male Blackcap also passed through this area.

Blackcap [Driving range]

In somewhat better light, this Treecreeper was next to the path between the 16th and 17th on the Blue.

Treecreeper [17th Blue]

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