Sunday, October 24, 2021

24 October 2021

It is really fungi season at this time of year - the flowers are mostly over and it is a bit early for wintering birds.  I had a walk around the Doghouse range yesterday and came across a few different types. Blackening Waxcaps are quite distinctive.  They start off bright yellow but quickly turn black:

Blackening Waxcap Hyrocybe conica [Doghouse range]

I think that this clump are Clustered Brittlestems.

Clustered Brittlestems Psathyrella multipedata [Doghouse range]

Shaggy Inkcaps are distinctive and are all over the estate at the moment.  This patch on the Doghouse range was in various states of decay:

Shaggy Inkcaps Coprinus comatus [Doghouse range]

Common puffballs are abundant at the moment, on the courses and the ranges in the short grass.

Common Puffball Lycoperdon perlatum [Doghouse range]

Mosaic Puffballs are more impressive.  This one on the left of the 5th Green was one of the largest that I have seen.

Mosaic Puffball Lycoperdon utriformis [5th Green]

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

10 October 2021

Lots of interesting fungi around the courses at the moment.  I'm no expert, so struggle to identify most of what I find, but some are quite obvious. The most colourful and distinctive is probably the Fly Agaric, which grows in some numbers between the 4th green and 5th tee on the Red.

Fly Agaric Amanita muscaria [4th Red]

Also distinctive is the Shaggy Inkcap, this patch was growing behind the 11th tee on the Blue.

Shaggy Inkcap Coprinus comatus [11th Blue]

This looks like a Field Mushroom or possibly a Horse Mushroom, growing on the 5th Red.

Field Mushroom Agaricus campestris [5th Red]

Mosaic Puffballs are also quite common on the Red course.  These two specimens, in different stages of growth were also on the 5th.

Mosaic Puffballs Lycoperdon utriforme [5th Red]

I haven't seen any unusual birds recently, but it is interesting how many Lesser Black-backed Gulls fly over in the late evening in a V-formation - all heading in the same direction to roost at Farmoor reservoir.

Lesser Black-backed Gulls [13th Red]