Sunday, October 24, 2021

24 October 2021

It is really fungi season at this time of year - the flowers are mostly over and it is a bit early for wintering birds.  I had a walk around the Doghouse range yesterday and came across a few different types. Blackening Waxcaps are quite distinctive.  They start off bright yellow but quickly turn black:

Blackening Waxcap Hyrocybe conica [Doghouse range]

I think that this clump are Clustered Brittlestems.

Clustered Brittlestems Psathyrella multipedata [Doghouse range]

Shaggy Inkcaps are distinctive and are all over the estate at the moment.  This patch on the Doghouse range was in various states of decay:

Shaggy Inkcaps Coprinus comatus [Doghouse range]

Common puffballs are abundant at the moment, on the courses and the ranges in the short grass.

Common Puffball Lycoperdon perlatum [Doghouse range]

Mosaic Puffballs are more impressive.  This one on the left of the 5th Green was one of the largest that I have seen.

Mosaic Puffball Lycoperdon utriformis [5th Green]

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