Sunday, January 23, 2022

23 January 2021


The weather seems to have thawed out a bit by the end of the week.  I had a couple of loops 9 holes now the the course had defrosted.  There are a few Roe Deer at various places on the courses.  This one was in the woods next to the 13th on the Blue.  There were also some Muntjac Deer nearby.

Roe Deer [13th Blue]

Otherwise, mammal-wise there is plenty of evidence of Moles about, particularly on the Doghouse range.

Molehills [Doghouse range]

Another tunneler that I watched with some fascination at the driving range was the machine that is laying the pipes for the new irrigation system.  It carves a tunnel with a plough-like appendage, drags the pipe through and leaves almost no trace above ground - very impressive.

The reservoir looks almost ready to fill up - the lining has been put in place:

I am always impressed with the number of birds roosting in the trees on the yellow and green courses around the clubhouse.  There are many trees with 6 or 7 Red Kites in the topmost branches.  There is also a large and noisy Rook roost, with several trees containing 100+ birds at this time of year.

Rooks [Yellow course]

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