Sunday, March 13, 2022

13 March 2022


Another sunny day and the spring flowers are more in evidence around the course.  Daffodils are present on quite a few holes.  Primroses are most common around the ditch on the right of the 18th Red, where there are also a few Coltsfoots.

Primrose Primula vulgaris [18th Red]

Daffodils Narcissus sp [4th Green]

I had some nice views of the Reed Buntings on the 3rd Blue this morning.  

Reed Buntings [3rd Blue]

There are also a few Roe Deer about.  I saw these two in the field next to the Doghouse practice area and there were also a herd of four or five in the woods to the left of the 14th Blue.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

12 March 2022


I had a walk around the Blue first thing this morning.  It is definitely starting to feel spring-like with Daffodils and Primroses starting to flower around the courses.  Migrant birds are also arriving.  This Chiffchaff was on the left of the 5th and is the first one that I have seen this year.

Chiffchaff [5th Blue]

Great Tits are very vocal around the course.   

Great Tit [5th Blue]

There is also a pair of Reed Buntings nesting in the reeds on the left of the 3rd.

Reed Bunting [3rd Blue]

Thursday, March 10, 2022

10 March 2022

I had a quick walk around the front nine of the Blue while it was quiet this morning.  There were lots of finches around again.  The main flock was on the 9th fairway in front of the green, consisting of Chaffinches, Goldfinches, Bramblings and Redpolls.  All of these are on the photo below.

Chaffinches, Goldfinches, Bramblings and Redpoll [9th Blue]

In the trees around there are also lots of Siskins.  I came across this one having a bath in the ditch alongside the 4th.

Siskin [4th Blue]

Sunday, March 6, 2022

6 March 2022


There was a large flock of finches again today, this time feeding on the 1st, 2nd and 9th on the Blue.  These were made up of Chaffinches, Goldfinches and Bramblings.  You can see all three more easily in the photo below - Chaffinches the front two, Goldfinch on the left middle and Bramblings the back right two.

Bramblings, Chaffinches and Goldfinch [1st Blue]

Bramblings are the rarest of the finches around Frilford.  They are distinguishable  by their orange shoulders.  I reckon that there were between 15 and 20 on the fairway and in the trees around.  The one in the middle here is a female:
Brambling [1st Blue]

Bramblings, Chaffinches and Goldfinches [1st Blue]

I saw a Merlin for the second time on the Blue course, high above the trees to the right of the 2nd - scattering the small birds that it was hunting. There were plenty of Wrens, Robins and Blackbirds around the same area.

Wren [1st Blue]

The plant growing on the wall of the car park is Garden Arabis - a garden escape that is often found on old walls close to habitation.

Garden Arabis Arabis caucasica [Car park]