Sunday, March 13, 2022

13 March 2022


Another sunny day and the spring flowers are more in evidence around the course.  Daffodils are present on quite a few holes.  Primroses are most common around the ditch on the right of the 18th Red, where there are also a few Coltsfoots.

Primrose Primula vulgaris [18th Red]

Daffodils Narcissus sp [4th Green]

I had some nice views of the Reed Buntings on the 3rd Blue this morning.  

Reed Buntings [3rd Blue]

There are also a few Roe Deer about.  I saw these two in the field next to the Doghouse practice area and there were also a herd of four or five in the woods to the left of the 14th Blue.

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