Tuesday, April 12, 2022

10 April 2022


Lots of spring sunshine this morning and lots of birdsong around the course.  I heard Willow Warblers and Blackcaps for the first time this year.  Spring flowers are also much more in evidence.  The woods on the left of the first Blue are full of Lesser Celandines.

Lesser Celandine Ficaria verna [1st Blue]

I had a quick walk around Boundary Fen to the left of the 13th on the Red, where a few flowers are starting to come up.

Field Forget-me-not Mysotis arvensis [Boundary Fen]

Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara [13th Red]

There are also a few interesting fungi growing on the rotting wood in the fen.  These black things about the size of a golf ball grow on dead ash trees and are known as King Alfred's Cakes due to their resemblance to burnt buns.

King Alfred's Cakes Daldinia concentrica [13th Red]

Nearby this Turkeytail fungus was also growing on a dead log.

Turkeytail Trametes versicolor [Boundary Fen]

All over the Doghouse range and the Red course Field Mouse Ear is flowering.  This is one of the most abundant and characteristic plants of the short rough at Frilford.

Field Mouse-ear Cerastium arvense [15th Red]

On the reservoir there were a couple of Gadwall.

Gadwall [Reservoir]

Coal Tits, Blue tits and Great tits are quite vocal all over the estate.

Coal Tit [15th Red]

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