Thursday, June 9, 2022

9 June 2022


Plenty of sunshine over the last couple of days.  I spotted a couple of Spotted Flycatchers on the ninth hole on the Blue.  I have seen them a couple of times at the top of the trees on this hole earlier in the month, but this morning they were hunting insects just above the rough. There is at least one pair that nests on the course, probably between the ninth and the third, and possibly more.

Spotted Flycatchers [9th Blue]

Small Skippers are one of the most common butterflies around the estate, but are small, have a rather inelegant gait and look rather more like moths.  This one was in the undergrowth to the right of the 16th tee on the Red.
Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris [16th Red]

This Asparagus plant is most likely a garden escape and is growing between the 18th Green and the Yellow course.

Garden Asparagus Asparagus officinalis [18th Green]

This Red Kite was looking critically down at the 17th green on the Red course earlier in the week.

Red Kite [17th Red]

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