Sunday, July 24, 2022

23 July 2022


Had a quick walk around the front nine of the Blue first thing this morning.  On the 6th you can find Pennyroyal, which is a type of mint and grows just behind the pond.  It is a rare plant in Britain, although it is quite widespread in Europe and Asia.

Pennyroyal Mentha Pulegium [6th Blue]

There are lots of Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers with young around the course at the moment.  These two Green Woodpeckers were part of a family group on the 8th.

Green Woodpeckers [8th Blue]

This juvenile Great Spotted was on the back tee on the 8th.
Great Spotted Woodpecker [8th Blue]

High above the 8th I could just about make out the characteristic silhouette of a Peregrine.   I see them from time to time, usually high on the thermals

Peregrine [8th Blue]

There are quite a lot of birds around the reservoir at the moment.  Swallows, Sand Martins and Swifts all hunting flies and a flock of Linnets and Greenfinches are feeding on the seeds.

Sand Martin [Reservoir]

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