Sunday, August 21, 2022

21 August 2022


Popped out a few times over the week for nine holes and a stroll.  It is fairly quiet nature-wise.  I did come across this tiny frog hopping across the 3rd fairway on the Green course - one of the few areas that generally stays fairly moist.

Common Frog [3rd Green]

There was a Little Egret on the 1st Blue yesterday evening and a Kingfisher on the 3rd.  There are still lots of Spotted Flycatchers about.  There were at least 6 around the 10th tee on the Blue course and unusually they were mostly feeding on the ground.

Spotted Flycatcher [10th Blue]

Otherwise nothing too spectacular.  This Muntjac was on the 8th Blue and the Linnet was one of the flock that is resident around the reservoir.
Muntjac [8th Blue]
Linnet [Reservoir]

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