Sunday, August 7, 2022

7 August 2022

 I hear foxes at Frilford from time to time in the woods on the Blue and Green courses, but I haven't seen one since starting to log the wildlife around the course.   There was one early this morning in the field behind the 1st Blue.

Red Fox [1st Blue]

It was hunting for rodents in the cut grass and seemed to be finding quite a few from the video - by the size it looks like they are rats that it is feasting on.  

Muntjac and Roe Deer were also in the field while this was happening.

Roe Deer [1st Blue]

I didn't hear many Willow Warblers singing this year, but there seem to be plenty of young birds about in late summer.  This one was feeding near the footpath to the 5th Red.

Willow Warbler [5th Red]

Familiar birds otherwise.
Blue Tit [5th Red]

Spotted Flycatcher [4th Blue]

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