Monday, September 26, 2022

24 September 2022


Went out in shorts this morning and quickly regretted my decision - the weather has become a lot more Autumnal over the last couple of weeks. The main thing of note was a flock of about a dozen or so Meadow Pipits, centred around the reservoir.  I see them occasionally on the estate, but this is the first time that I have seen more than a couple.  They are well camouflaged when feeding on the short grass or waste ground.  They also have a remarkably long hind claw..

Meadow Pipits [Reservoir]
Nearby was a female Reed Bunting and at the other end of the reservoir, on the feeder pool, was one of the family of Grey Wagtails that is usually in that area.

Reed Bunting [Reservoir]

Grey Wagtail [Reservoir]

I also spotted a Snipe flying high overhead the same area.

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