Sunday, March 19, 2023

19 March 2023


I had a walk around the Blue course this morning in the early morning sunshine.  A Little Egret was in front of the 2nd green.  I have seen one here from time to time over the last couple of years.  In summer plumage you can see the long plumes that were prized by milliners in the past.  The second photo shows the yellow feet which are distinctive.

Little Egret [2nd Blue]
The spring flowers are starting to appear now.  There are a lot of daffodils around the course and primroses by the stream on the 18th Red.

Primrose Primula vulgaris [18th Red]

Elsewhere there were several Roe Deer about, including this one in the woods behind the 6th Blue.
Roe Deer [6th Blue]

One bird species that seems a lot more numerous this year is Greenfinch - there is often a large flock in the trees behind the practice net and around the 1st tee on the Red.  There also lots of Coal Tits and Goldcrests around, particularly around the conifers.  Both of these were near the 6th Blue.

Coal Tit [6th Blue]
Goldcrest [6th Blue]

One of the Kingfishers was perched on the pipe above the ditch just beyond the 4th tee.

Kingfisher [4th Blue]

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