Monday, May 15, 2023

14 May 2023


Spent some time at the weekend looking at some of the flowers around the courses.  Two-pine Fen is probably the best floral habitat around the course and at the momtent there are three or four Early Purple Orchids adding a splash of colour - similar numbers to previous years.

Early Purple Orchid Orchis mascula [4th Green]

There are a few Heath Dog Violets around.  In particular on the 7th on the Green and quite a few on the footpath between the 4th and 5th on the Red.  They are a bit bluer than the Common Dog Violets with a distinctive yellow spur.

Heath Dog Violet Viola canina [7th Green]

The Doghouse practice ground is covered in flowers at the moment.  Two of the smallest and rarest of these are Subterranean Clover and Annual Knawel.  The latter of these is quite abundant, but very hard to spot as its flowers are green.  Subterranean Clover is also small (tee included in photo for scale) but is white and covers almost all of the practice ground.

Annual Knawel Scleranthus annuus [Doghouse Practice Ground]

Subterranean Clover Trifolium subterraneum [Doghouse Practice Ground]

There are quite a few birds nest around the Greenkeepers shed behind the 16th Blue.  This pair of Stock Doves nests in one of the trees and are often on the roof.  Similarly a pair of Grey Wagtails which nest in the shed.  The male has the dark throat.

Stock Doves [Greenkeepers Shed]

Grey Wagtails [[Greenkeepers Shed]

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