Sunday, July 30, 2023

30 July 2023


I played the front nine of the Blue course a few times over the last couple of days.  The brood of Canada Geese that live on the 3rd/4th look pretty near fully-fledged now.  They did present a potential obstacle as I lined up my putt on the 3rd, but moved out of the way to see me 2 putt for the usual 5.

Canada Geese [3rd Blue]

On the way to Blue course, just to the left of the bridge I came across a patch of these fungi, known as the Death Cap.
Death Cap Amanita phalloides [1st Blue]

You will probably guess from the name that they don't make good eating.  In fact they are considered to be the most poisonous fungi on earth.  If you are feeling a bit peckish pre-round and tempted to chew on one, you may want to consider this note on the symptoms of poisoning:

'Within 6 to 12 hours after consumption, violent abdominal pain, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea appear, causing rapid loss of fluid from the tissues and intense thirst. Signs of severe involvement of the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system soon follow, including a decrease in urinary output and a lowering of blood sugar. This condition leads to coma and death in more than 50 percent of the incidents.'

There are a lot of Brown Hares around the courses at the moment.  One behaviour that I see a lot is that they crouch down very low in an attempt to stay hidden.  This is very effective in the thick rough where I have almost trodden on a couple - less effective on the short grass though..

Brown Hare [5th Blue]

It is the time of year when there are lots of young birds hunting insects around the estate.  They quite often hunt together in waves of various species.  I had an enjoyable 20 minutes this morning on the 10th tee watching a mixture of Treecreepers, Spotted Flycatchers, Blue Tits, Long-tailed Tits and the odd Treecreeper.

Spotted Flycatcher [10th Blue]

Treecreeper [10th Blue]

Monday, July 24, 2023

22 July 2023

 Had a few walks around the course over the last few days.  Things are fairly quiet wildlife wise. There are lots of gulls on the fairways and I have seen and heard the Oystercatchers flying over a few times.  This juvenile Grey Heron tends to stalk the pond on the 3rd Blue in the early morning.

Grey Heron [3rd Blue]

Most of the Orchids have now gone over, but there is still plenty of colour in the rough.  One of the highlights at this time of year are the delicate but prolific Harebells on the Red course.

Harebells Campanula rotundifolia [12th Red]

It is a good time of year for butterflies.  Meadow Browns and Small Skippers are very common in the rough, as are Green-veined Whites.  This one was waiting for the morning dew on its wings to evaporate before being able to fly around.

Green-veined White Pieris napi [12th Red]

The Holly Blue has bright blue upperwing and a paler underwing with small black spots. They are quite common around the estate.  This one was feeding on the path by the reservoir.

Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus [4th Red]

Sunday, July 2, 2023

2 July 2023


I had a walk around the Blue first thing this morning and the Red early afternoon.  The highlight of the morning was some nice views of Spotted Flycatchers on the 4th.  I have seen them in the same spot in the tree to the left of the fairway for the past couple of years.  A family nest in the cluster of trees to the left of the stream.

Spotted Flycatcher [4th Blue]

On all of the courses there are large numbers of Small Skippers in the rough.  These two appeared to be squabbling over a patch of Common Centaury.

Small Skippers Thymelicus sylvestris on  Common Centaury Centaurium erythraea [4th Red]

There were a couple of Red Admirals on the bridge between the Red and Blue courses and this one helpfully settled on a sunny patch.

Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta [1st Red]

The Small Heath is a rather inconspicuous butterfly that I have seen a bit over the last few weeks over the long grass, particularly on the Red course.

Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilus [4th Red]

This Water Mint was flowering early near the 4th tee Red, a long way from water.  This plant is very common on the Blue course from late July onwards.

Water Mint Mentha aquatica [4th Red]

Closer to water, there was a large influx of Lesser Black-backed Gulls on the reservoir.

Lesser Black-backed Gulls [Reservoir]

Saturday, July 1, 2023

1 July 2023

I put on my wellies on for a wade around Boundary Fen this afternoon.  Among the many insects there were large numbers of Large and Small Skippers.  I presume that Large Skippers are slightly the larger but it is not easy to tell.  More reliable distinguishing features are the patterning on their wings, whereas Small Skippers are a more uniform orange colour.

Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris [Boundary Fen]

Large Skipper Ochlodes sylvanus [Boundary Fen]

Other butterflies around included Marbled White, Ringlet, Red Admiral, Comma and Large White.

Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus [Boundary Fen]

Comma Polygonia c-album [Boundary Fen]

The Marsh Lousewort has spread rapidly since being introduced four or five years ago and is an important plant in the ecosystem here.

Marsh Lousewort Pedicularis palustris [Boundary Fen]

Rather more delicate is Bog Pimpernel, which grows in large quantities in Boundary Fen and has tiny, but very ornate pink flowers.

Bog Pimpernel Anagallis tenella [Boundary Fen]

I played a few holes around the Green course afterwards and came across this Wild Onion, one of several in the long grass to the left of the path near the 16th tee.

Wild Onion Allium viniale [16th Green]