Monday, July 24, 2023

22 July 2023

 Had a few walks around the course over the last few days.  Things are fairly quiet wildlife wise. There are lots of gulls on the fairways and I have seen and heard the Oystercatchers flying over a few times.  This juvenile Grey Heron tends to stalk the pond on the 3rd Blue in the early morning.

Grey Heron [3rd Blue]

Most of the Orchids have now gone over, but there is still plenty of colour in the rough.  One of the highlights at this time of year are the delicate but prolific Harebells on the Red course.

Harebells Campanula rotundifolia [12th Red]

It is a good time of year for butterflies.  Meadow Browns and Small Skippers are very common in the rough, as are Green-veined Whites.  This one was waiting for the morning dew on its wings to evaporate before being able to fly around.

Green-veined White Pieris napi [12th Red]

The Holly Blue has bright blue upperwing and a paler underwing with small black spots. They are quite common around the estate.  This one was feeding on the path by the reservoir.

Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus [4th Red]

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