Monday, December 11, 2023

11 December 2023

 There was a bit of sunshine this morning, but also plenty of water on the front nine of the Blue - only the wildlife is getting to play on this section of course at the moment.  Most notable sighting this morning was a large flock of Redpolls.  There is always a flock overwinters at Frilford - today there were around 50 in various places near the 3rd Blue - in particular they were bathing in the ditch that runs down the left hand side.  They are small brown birds brightened up by a patch of brown on their forehead.

Redpolls [3rd Blue]

In the fields to the left of the 4th Blue was a large flock of Lapwings - always distant but with characteristic lazy flight on rounded wings.

Lapwings [4th Blue]

On the walk between the 16th and 17th on the Blue there was a Roe Deer.  They often sleep in this section of the woods.

Roe Deer [16th Blue]

Friday, December 1, 2023

1 December 2023


It is the first proper cold snap of the year so far and there have been a few heavy frosts on the courses.  I have seen a few winter migrants arriving, Redwings and Fieldfares have flown overhead but I haven't seen any on the fairways yet.

The pair of Stonechats have been pretty evident on the Red and Blue course, particularly on the 11th Blue.  Today they were on the waste ground to the left of the 3rd Red.

Stonechat [3rd Red]

I was interested to note that the tree holding the hornets nest on the 4th Blue had blown over.  You can see how much the hornets had hollowed out the trunk, leading to its weakening and ultimate demise..

Look out for this cluster of Puffballs next to the 10th tee on the Blue.  I think that they are Stump Puffballs.

Stump Puffballs Lycoperdon pyriforme [10th Blue]