Monday, December 11, 2023

11 December 2023

 There was a bit of sunshine this morning, but also plenty of water on the front nine of the Blue - only the wildlife is getting to play on this section of course at the moment.  Most notable sighting this morning was a large flock of Redpolls.  There is always a flock overwinters at Frilford - today there were around 50 in various places near the 3rd Blue - in particular they were bathing in the ditch that runs down the left hand side.  They are small brown birds brightened up by a patch of brown on their forehead.

Redpolls [3rd Blue]

In the fields to the left of the 4th Blue was a large flock of Lapwings - always distant but with characteristic lazy flight on rounded wings.

Lapwings [4th Blue]

On the walk between the 16th and 17th on the Blue there was a Roe Deer.  They often sleep in this section of the woods.

Roe Deer [16th Blue]

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