Sunday, June 9, 2024

9 June 2024


Lots of sunshine in the early morning this weekend.  It was nice to see that the Spotted Flycatchers have returned.  There are usually three or four pairs that nest on the estate.  Today I saw a pair behind the 10th tee on the Blue and to the right of the 9th fairway.

Spotted Flycatcher [10th Blue]

There was a Herring Gull on the 11th fairway on the Blue.  I don't see them very often at Frilford, more usual are Lesser Black-backed and Black-headed Gulls.  They are large gulls with a light grey back and black wingtips, more usually seen steeling your fish and chips at the seaside.

Herring Gull [11th Blue]

In Two Pine Fen, some of the rarer flowers are starting to appear.   These Meadow Thistles are dotted about but easy to see.   Narrow-leaved Marsh Orchids grow in the middle and stout footwear is required to visit.  I can also see a lot of Marsh Helleborine coming into bud.

Meadow Thistle Cirsium dissectum [16th Red]

Narrow-leaved Marsh Orchid Dactylorhiza traunsteinerioides [16th Red]

Another of Frilford's rare flowers, the Maiden Pink, is in flower to the right of the 10th tee green.

Maiden Pink Dianthus deltoides [10th Green]

There is also a nice display of Southern March Orchids to the left of the 3rd fairway on the Green.

Southern Marsh Orchids Dactylorhiza praetermissa [3rd Green]

Sunday, June 2, 2024

2 June 2024

 I had a long walk around the Red and Blue course this morning.  I came across several Cinnabar moths between the 13th and 15th Red.  I often see them here - they are easy to spot with their bright red underwing, particularly as they are day-flying.

Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae [15th Red]

Dragonflies are much more evident on the course now that full summer is approaching.  This female Broad-bodied Chaser was between the 4th and 5th on the Red.  The first time that I have seen one of these at Frilford.  Notice the broad, flat abdomen, hence the name.

Broad-bodied Chaser Libellula depressa [4th Red]

 The distinctive small blue flowers and fleshy leaves of Brooklime can be found in the stream on the 18th Red.  I've not seen this here before - it also grows in the ditches on the Blue course.

Brooklime Veronica beccabunga [18th Red]

A few of the orchid species are flowering now.  I have seen Pyramidal Orchids, various Marsh Orchids and Common Spotted.  This Common Spotted Orchid was growing on the right of the 18th Red.

Common Spotted Orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii [18th Red]