Thursday, November 5, 2020

5 November 2020

 Crossbills are still the highlight of the on course wildlife at the moment.  There is a flock of around 50 that seem to centre around the greenkeeping sheds on the blue course.  They are quite noisy and are not particularly wary allowing me to get some nice views.  They can also be seen on the left of the 3rd fairway on the Red course and on the 16th on the Blue.

Males are vibrant red and females are a more subtle green.  They are unusual in that they have overlapping mandibles - hence the name.  Click on the images to zoom in.

Crossbill - male [3rd Red]

Crossbill - female [3rd Red]

I even managed to capture some video:

Elsewhere the first redwings and fieldfares are arriving.  

Pied wagtail on the hollow-cored green:

Pied Wagtail [5th Red]

Grey Heron flying over the 5th fairway on the Green:
Grey Heron [5th Red]

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