Saturday, November 7, 2020

7 November 2020

 Crossbills still showing well on the side of the 3th fairway on the red.

6 or 7 Redpolls on the path to the left of the 3rd hole on the blue.  

Redpoll [3rd Blue]

Nearby there was also a Treecreeper.

Long tailed tits in various vocal flocks about the course.  Often with other birds including Goldcrests and blue tits.

Long-tailed tit [13th Blue]
Long-tailed tit [3rd Blue]

Blue tit [13th Red]

Goldcrest [13th Blue]

A pair of jays on the left of the 12th on the Red.

Jay [12th Red]

Quite a few early redwings feeding on berries around the course.  This one was on the right of the 16th on the Red:

Redwing [16th Red]

A couple of roe deer on the 6th tee on the Blue.

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