Saturday, January 2, 2021

2 January 2021

 First trip out in 2021. Had a very pleasant walk around the Blue course in the sunshine.  Stood by the 4th tee as a waves of birds came through the oak trees between the 4th and 9th tees.  First a flock of Long-tailed tits with blue tits, great tits and a treecreeper mixed in...

Long-tailed Tit [4th Blue]

Treecreeper [4th Blue]

A flock of Siskins then arrived...

Siskin [4th Blue]

Then a mixed flock of finches arrived, including Goldfinches and four or five Crossbills.

Crossbill [4th Blue]

Crossbill [4th Blue]

Walking further down the 4th and 5th I had nice views of a Kestrel.

Kestrel [5th Blue]

There were also large numbers of Siskins in the trees to the left of the 9th and a Grey Wagtail alongside a Pied Wagtail on the 2nd.
Grey Wagtail [2nd Blue]

Finally, back past the 1st tee there were more Siskins and a Nuthatch.

Siskin [1st Blue]

Nuthatch [1st Blue]

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